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Detoxic biologically active dietary supplement (3 pieces)

Detoxic biologically active dietary supplement (3 pieces)

84 USD 74 USD
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Detoxic biologically active dietary supplement, 20 capsules, 3 pieces.

Please note that Detoxic biologically active dietary supplement is produced only by the Russian company Hendel, LLC.
We buy it directly from the manufacturer and we guarantee that you are buying an original product.

Detoxic is the unique comprehensive plant based product. It has a toxic effect on the parasites and their larvae. Kills helminthes and quickly removes them from the intestines, preventing toxins to exercise its negative impact on the body. Safe for the human body. Relieves discomfort in the stomach, improves digestion, appetite, sleep and increases the vitality of the body.

Active ingredients
Yarrow Grass, Centaury Grass, Cloves.

Mode of application
For worms prevention 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals for 20 days. If required, can be repeated after 10 days.

Product form/Packaging: Cardboard box / plastic jar with cap / 20 capsules.

Shelf life: 24 months.